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Prosperity Mindset

We discussed Prosperity Mindset – and poise – and dreams – and alternate universes – and out of body expereinces – it was a FUN Free For All.

Click here to download the discussion 53:40 mins

#prosperitymindset #outofbody #dreams #poise

Support tools referenced:  Healing Circle of Love – Sending/Infusing Love
Create Your Heaven on Earth Program (full program in Game of Life Soul Food>Masterclass Programs)
Session 3 – Love to Self meditation guides you gently to send love to yourself to deeply heal all aspects of you, including your inner child.  Guided meditation Healing Circle of Love – to self.
Click here to download: Love to Self (guided meditation) – 15:25 mins

Session 4, Love to Without guides you to shift your energy from all forms of fear with regard to relationships and life situations to the powerful energy of love. Guided meditation Healing Circle of Love – people, experiences.
Click here to download: Love to Without (guided meditation) – 15:19 mins